Why do we need Inner Peace?

What do you know about peace? How do you define peace? Is it something you grasp from the outer world or do you build  it by yourself internally? I know it's becoming hard for some people to understand what I am saying, because they are so much surrounded with negativity that I bet they wont and could never experience inner peace. Well, going through bad phases again and again, I know you get weak mentally. But worry not, today I'll make you understand why inner peace is crucial in order to live a healthy and a peaceful life.

Let's discuss about how you can practice and build that strong inner peace in yourself, without failing and why is it so important.


How often you have seen people giving up? Almost half of the them in this world run away from their problems. Yes, they find it hard to solve it and when they cant do anything, they end up getting depressed and more frustrated. Who does not go through worries in life? Every human experience some or the other traumatic situations in life, but it does not mean you will give up. And that's where inner peace helps us. If you aren't mentally stable, how can you concentrate on your life? First, try to keep your mental health fine. And how's this possible? Stop being around people who harm you mentally or emotionally. For me, inner peace is somewhat like happiness in heart. If you experience inner peace, it will demolish all your worries and problems, and bonus? It'll provide you with more and more strength to deal with situations.


Okay, I know some of you are sad in life. You think life is unfair, but, always be thankful for the things which made you smile as I've discussed in my last post. Do you ever try to find the actual reason behind why you become gloomy in small small things? Maybe because you aren't fit mentally. For someone who haven't been able to get in touch with inner peace, gloominess is expected from them. Practice inner peace, surrounded yourself with people who makes your heart happy, because if your heart isn't happy how can you expect to feel that peace? Start practicing inner peace, calm yourself down and I'm sure it'll clear all your sadness and worries in just one go. Yes, I know it'll take some time to know what actually inner peace feels like, but eventually you'll get to know how beautiful and essential inner peace is for you mentally.


Are you strong enough to face situations? Did you say yes? Ahaan! You liar. If you aren't calm mentally, how can you even consider yourself strong to face things? If you lack happiness, joy or inner peace, just know that you aren't strong enough to face problems. You'll end up changing your path but won't face problems. I know how tough it gets. That's why I've picked this topic to make you all understand why inner peace is so important. Why it plays a major role in living a healthy and a peaceful life. Inner peace makes you strong, it helps you face your problems that too calmly and positively. And it's not hard to experience inner peace. You just need to be happy genuinely by heart. Never think of giving up. Everything has a solution, nothing is impossible. Just try to focus more on positive things and that way you can experience inner peace too, just like others.

A quick tip - whenever you feel low, whenever you feel like everything is over, life is unfair, and all sort of negativity, just sit down, take deep breaths, close your eyes and try to meditate. Now, I know you'll say I can't concentrate. Then let me tell you, it happens. While doing it for the first time your mind won't stay still, but will think about thousands of things. In my view, meditation helps a lot in gaining inner peace of mind. No, that's not a joke. It'll probably take some time but eventually you'll become great at it. I know some of you are super lazy ( as I'm too ), so it'll be slight difficult for you, but yes by time you'll manage it well.

I really hope you know why inner peace is so important in our lives. Like without it, you can't think of living a happy, healthy or peaceful life. Practice it day by day and soo you will realize how essential it is. You will feel great.

Stay tuned, stay connected and do not forget to meditate if you don't feel peaceful and happy from within.

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