How to deal with negativity around you.

Many of us go through bad phases in our life. But, it doesn't mean you'll give up and end up being a negative person. Most of the them either go on hitting grudges or end up staying sad for life. Like, why? I've heard people saying ignore them or don't pay heed, well, I never say that. There are some people who are expert when it comes to ignoring, but what about the lil ones with emotional heart? I understand, ignoring isn't for you, then what could be done? Dealing with negativity is tough but its not impossible. Let's learn the basics of how dealing with people and situations is something anyone could do now.

So the first thing which I'd suggest is 

1. Build more confidence. 

Yes, you read it right. Boost up your confidence level it'll really really help you go through the negative phase with ease. Now how you'll boost up that confidence level? BY NOT COMPARING YOURSELF WITH ANYONE. When you start comparing yourself with others, that's where you loose 80% of your confidence. Be you as who you are, never try to compare cause every human is unique.

Second thing, which I do personally follow is

2. Keep yourself prior than anyone.

I've seen people putting others prior, why? and for what? When you have yourself why do you have to put others on the top? Just focus on yourself, focus on your growth, your development and that way negativity can be avoided automatically. 

Listening to others is fine, but getting manipulated is what turns the game wrong, so my third basic understanding is

3. Stop getting manipulated no matter what.

There are three types of people, one, who judge you, two, who makes you feel as if you are inferior, and three which I personally hate the most, who without any reason pull you down by practicing comparisons. Stay away from these three types of people, because it's their work to manipulate you against so and so person or situation. ALWAYS, ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR HEART AND DO WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL RIGHT.

I know most of them have a habit of judging, which is fun for them, but stop for a while and think how about you being judged by others, it feels bad, right? So my another basic point is

4. Stop judging others.

No one likes to be judged, and in order to stay away from these people stop involving yourself into gossip groups. Explore yourself in a group where growth and development of oneself is a prior goal. In order to stay away from negativity just stop judging others cause you don't know that it leaves a great impact on your personality, and what I personally think is, judging others attract negativity at higher scale. So, never judge anyone and that way negativity can't reach you.

Last and not the least, which is my all time favorite, that is

5. Love yourself unconditionally.

Who doesn't love themselves? Like, feel blessed that you're the only single piece made by god cause everyone is unique in their own way. No one's like you and no one can be you. Neither you can become like someone nor their uniqueness. How can people not feel blessed about it? The best thing you could do about negativity or negative people is LOVE YOURSELF WITHOUT IFS AND BUTS. Look inside your beautiful heart and see the uniqueness it owns. Look at that beautiful face and admire it, Stare that beautiful body as if no one can own such sexy curves. Appreciate yourself. Give yourself reward in every good thing you do. Be happy from within, try to focus more on your growth and personality rather than people who only took birth to pull you down. Love what you do. Do what you're good at. Every human own a hidden talent. Expose that talent, show the world that you aren't any less, you're superior in everything you do.

Now you know how easy it is to overcome negativity? Just need to remember few points and voila! You are good to go.

I'm go glad, I never thought I'd advice people to be happy, because one can only advice if he/she is happy from within, I felt good writing this beautiful blog with a much needed topic. I hope it'll help you a bit in not letting negativity overpowering you.

Stay tuned, more coming up.

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